Happy new year! Yes, I know I'm a little late. Don't judge.
I've been having the hardest time coming up with a list of things I want to accomplish in 2019. 2018 was a good year for me - I landed my first post-grad job in my field (in my dream role), we moved into a 2 bedroom apartment and bought a couch that wasn't from IKEA(!!), and overall I was happier. It was without a doubt my first real year of "adulting". I know that 2019 is totally going to top last year, and I'm thinking that I just want to go with the flow instead of compiling a list of generic resolutions.
I took a trip down memory lane by reading my journal and blog posts of past year's goals, and noticed I had a lot of repeats year after year. I also realized after I write the blog post/journal entry I never look back at it during the year! How can I work towards goals if I don't even remember what the goals are? *facepalm* So yeah, I'm leaning towards this year being a free-for-all.
I'll put my energy towards being more spontaneous and maybe making short-term goals instead. Who knows what this year has in store!
So, cheers to a new year. Let's make it a great one.
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